Fabric / Fur / Leather Cutters

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Fabric cutters cut fabric to make parts for garments, linens and other articles. Fur cutters cut fur pelts to make parts for garments and other fur articles. Leather cutters cut leather to make parts for shoes, garments and other leather articles. 


Not Available


Low: $14.15
Median: $12.74
High: $21.92


  • Some secondary school education is usually required.
  • Experience as a fabric, fur or leather cutter is required for fabric, fur or leather sample cutters.
  • Some on-the-job training is provided for occupations in this unit group.
  • Several years of on-the-job training are provided for fur cutters.

Places of Employment

Fabric cutters are employed by clothing and textile manufacturers and other manufacturers of fabric products. Fur cutters are employed by furriers and fur products manufacturers. Leather cutters are employed by shoe and other leather products manufacturers.

